Publication and design

Publication director: Marc Mortureux
Editor-in-chief: Paul Martin
Assistant managing editor: Barbara Gouget
Editorial board: Maria Laura Boschiroli (ANSES, France), Sabine Delannoy (ANSES, France), Bertrand Lombard (ANSES, France), Stefano Morabito (ISS, Italie), Françoise Petter (OEPP), Elisabeth Repérant (ANSES, France), Hélène Gayon (SCL, France), Thierry Van Den Berg (Coda Cerva, Belgique), Eric Verdon (ANSES, France), Jan Zmudzki (NVRI, Pologne)
Creation/Development: Julien Vigneron, Céline Leterq, Fabrice Coutureau, Parimage

ISSN 2110-5294

Journal No. 13, Winter 2015

>> Download complete journal (pdf)
Point of view
EuroReference No.7, 2012, Biotox Piratox
This issue of EUROREFERENCE focuses specifically on the hepatitis E virus (HEV), with three articles looking more closely at this topic. A Point of view article on the challenges that changing food systems, from farm to fork, pose to reference activities and health surveillance provides another perspective. There is also a focus article on H2020 that aims to clarify the H2020 programme's philosophy and application procedures for calls for proposals that are likely to be of interest to research and reference activities. The article follows a practical, step-by-step approach that we hope you will find useful!
We wish you a good read

The Editorial Team

Adapting to changes in food systems: scientific challenges ahead

Laurent Laloux ANSES, Maisons-Alfrort, France

HEV detection in raw pig liver products using a quantitative RT-PCR method

Sandra Martin-Latil, Catherine Hennechart-Collette, Sylvie Perelle
University Paris-Est, ANSES, Maisons-Alfort laboratory for Food Safety, Enteric viruses Unit, Maisons-Alfort, France

Useful websites and links to InVS and EFSA websites

Inter-laboratory proficiency tests agenda-EU Reference Laboratories

Inter-laboratory proficiency testing in France

How and where to find European funding for research activities?
Hepatitis E virus: a foodborne zoonotic virus threatening the immunocompromised patient

F.M. Ruggeri, Dept. Veterinary public health and food safety, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
Autochthonous cases of hepatitis E: where does the virus come from? Impact of pig slurry treatment on reduction of the viral load and prevalence of the virus in food substrates

Fabienne Loisy-Hamon 1,2 ; Géraldine Leturnier 1
1. Ceeram, La chapelle sur Erdre, France.
2. BioMérieux Industry, Marcy L'Etoile, France.
Language: French
Language: English
EuroReference, Journal of reference, illustration image