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The Salmonella Network, a tool for monitoring Salmonella "from farm to fork" Réseaux ER08-Reseaux-SalmonellaEN.pdf
Towards the development of robust protocols for the establishment of MRLs for veterinary drugs in honey Recherche ER08-Rech-LMRMielEN.pdf
Example of response to epidemics: the impact of two health emergencies (the emergence of the Bluetongue and Schmallenberg viruses) on a research and reference laboratory Point de vue ER08-PV-ImpactCriseEN.pdf
Serodiagnosis of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia by immunoblotting Méthodes ER08-Meth-PeripneumoEN.pdf
Adoption by a networkís laboratories of a validated quantitative real-time PCR method for monitoring Q fever abortions in ruminant livestock Méthodes ER08-Meth-FievreQAvortEN.pdf
Glossary of technical terms for the validation of laboratory analytical methods in the framework of a quality process Editorial ER08-Edito-GlossaireEN.pdf
Editorial of EuroReference No. 8, by the Editorial Board Editorial ER08-Edito-1EN.pdf
Building a dialogue between NRLs and French accredited laboratories (ëperipheral laboratoriesí) Actualités ER08-Actu-6EN.pdf
Guide from the EURL for Listeria monocytogenes Actualités ER08-Actu-5EN.pdf
XVIIIth WVPAC Congress in Nantes, 19-23 August 2013, France Actualités ER08-Actu-4EN.pdf
An International Workshop in Paris: ìNew Trends on Analytical Methods for Pesticides and Drug Residues Actualités ER08-Actu-3EN.pdf
I3S - International Symposium ìSalmonella and Salmonellosisî 27-29 May 2013, Saint-Malo, France Actualités ER08-Actu-2EN.pdf
10th International meeting on microbial epidemiological markers, October 2-5, 2013 Actualités ER08-Actu-1EN.pdf
The mobile laboratory: a risk management tool Méthodes Pour répondre à la menace nucléaire, radiologique, biologique et chimique (NRBC), une capacité d’expertise a été développée, avec la création des réseaux de conseillers experts et de laboratoires Biotox-Piratox. Des moyens spécifiques ont été développés et mis en place auprès des différents services chargés de l’intervention pour l’analyse du risque, la protection et la décontamination. Parmi ces moyens, le laboratoire mobile d’analyse joue un rôle essentiel dans l’évaluation du risque RBC. Le texte ci-dessous décrit ses missions et la manière dont il les remplit, conformément à la circulaire n°750/SGDSN/PSE/PPS du 18 février 2011, relative à la découverte de plis, colis, contenants et substances suspectés de renfermer des agents radiologiques, biologiques ou chimiques dangereux Martine Barbe-Le Borgne, Bruno Vanlerberghe, Fanny Rieunier ER07-12ME01 ER07-Meth-Mobile.pdf
Global Health Security and Networking Actualités Le Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI) est un réseau international informel, créé par les ministres de la santé des pays du G7 en novembre 2001, afin de préparer et de renforcer la réponse mondiale aux menaces que constituent pour la santé publique, les armes terroristes d’origine biologiques, chimiques, et radionucléaires (NRBC). La pandémie grippale a été ajoutée à la liste de ces menaces en 2002. Ana Burguière ER07-12AC01 ER07-Actu-1.pdf
Preparation of a Franco-German pilot proficiency test for the diagnoses of biothreat agents Recherche Ellerbrok, H., Dorner, B. G., Grunow, R., Jacob, D., Krueger, R., Niedrig, M., Nitsche, A., Pauly, D ER07-12RE01 ER07-Rech-Clostridium.pdf
Biosecurity, Biosafety and Reference Laboratories: the Impact of National and European Regulations Concerning Biological Containment Levels 3 and 4 Point de vue A. Tierno, E. Plateau ER07-12PV01 ER07-PV-Securite.pdf
The European PLANTFOODSEC project: framework for a national approach to analyse and prioritise plant health risks Recherche Corinne Le Fay-Souloy, Philippe Reynaud, Bénédicte Moignot, Frédéric Suffert ER07-12RE03 ER07-Rech-FrancoAllemand.pdf
Standards activities to support a biothreat mission capability in the United States Méthodes Jayne B. Morrow, Matthew Davenport ER07-12ME03 ER07-Meth-Biosafety.pdf
The seventh seminar for the French National Network of Biotox-Piratox laboratories Actualités Patrice Binder ER07-12AC02 ER07-Actu-2.pdf
An integrated approach to response readiness to combat bioterrorism in France Réseaux Christophe N. Peyrefitte, François Thibault, Sébastien P.M. Peyrefitte, Noël Tordo, Daniel Garin, Philippe Marianneau ER07-12RX04 ER07-Reseaux-Approche.pdf
Towards a European standard for tracking and tracing Clostridium botulinum based on molecular tools developed within the European research projects Biotracer, AnibioThreat and CBRN programs Recherche Cedric Woudstra, Rickard Knutsson, Patrick Fach ER07-12RE02 ER07-Rech-Plantfoodsec.pdf
The advantages of inter-laboratory tests for optimising the skills to be found in a heterogeneous network of laboratories Réseaux Jean-Didier Cavallo, François Thibault, Benoît Gassilloud, René Courcol ER07-12RX02 ER07-Reseaux-EIL.pdf
Establishment of Quality Assurances for Detection of Highly Pathogenic Bacteria of Potential Bioterrorism Risk Réseaux Roland Grunow, Ursula Sauer, Anna-Maria Rohleder, Daniela Jacob ER07-12RX03 ER07-Reseaux-Eqadeba.pdf
Biosafety-Europe: Recommendations for the harmonisation of biosafety and laboratory biosecurity practices in Europe on the basis of a comparative approach Méthodes Kathrin Summermatter, Thomas Binz ER07-12ME02 ER07-Meth-USA.pdf
A European research infrastructure dedicated to the study of Risk Group 4 pathogens: The ERINHA project (European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents) Actualités H. Raoul, C. Carbonnelle, F. Chung ER07-12AC03 ER07-Actu-3.pdf
French National Network of Biotox-Piratox laboratories: a network of integrated networks to address the need for analyses in the event of a terrorist threat Réseaux Patrice Binder ER07-12RX01 ER07-Reseaux-National.pdf
Biological and chemical attacks: vulnerability and technical, scientific and operational responses in the area of public health Editorial Are ‘safety’ and ‘security’ in response to risks of biological and chemical attacks better known and better managed than in the past? Over ten years after the 2001 terrorist attacks, it is worthwhile to review some of the plans that have been developed by national authorities to responsibly strengthen and improve our capacity to respond to major public health crises in Europe. ER07-Edito-1.pdf
Agenda No. 6 Agenda Agenda No. 6 ER06-Agenda-1.pdf
Organisation of inter-laboratory validation tests at the European level for detecting Gibberella circinata in pine seeds Méthodes Gibberella circinata is a parasitic fungus of pine trees that has been subject to European emergency phytosanitary measures since 2007. This fungus is spread over long distances primarily via pine seeds, consequently reliable detection tools and methods are required to protect the health of seed batches imported and marketed in Europe. The Plant Health Laboratory is now leading a European EUPHRESCO project aiming at the selection and the validation of one or more protocols targeting this parasite via inter-laboratories tests, as well as a suitable sampling method. The project will provide Member States, reference laboratories and industry stakeholders with one or more widely accepted, validated protocols whose level of performance has been determined through international collaboration. R. Ioos, C. Fourrier ER06-Meth-Pins.pdf
Is airborne surface disinfection using hydrogen peroxyde an alternative to formaldehyde? Méthodes The use of gases as bactericides dates back to ancient times. Odysseus, upon return to Ithaca after a twenty-year absence, said to his nurse Eurycleia, “Old woman, bring me sulphur and fire in order that I may free the air of its poison and purify this palace.” Then, after he, with the help of his son Telemachus, killed the suitors to his throne who were revelling in the palace, Eurycleia said, “Now all those bodies have been piled up at the courtyard gates, and he's purging his fair home with sulphur. He's kindled a great fire.” (Ian Johnston, During the plague epidemics of the Middle Ages, contaminated houses were not only placed under quarantine, but also treated with burned straw, sulphur, antimony and arsenic. In the late eighteenth century, the first airborne surface disinfection process was described by Guyton-Morveau, who had the idea of creating hydrochloric acid gas through the action of sulphuric acid on sea salt (Chaigneau, 1977). Used widely during the wars of the French Revolution and the Empire to disinfect prisons and hospitals, this aggressive process gradually fell out of use with the emergence of formaldehyde, whose bactericidal properties were discovered by Loew in 1888 and later confirmed by Buchner and Segall. Since then, inventions of “air treatment” diffusion processes have been published on a regular basis. P. Maris ER06-12M02 ER06-Meth-Hydrogene.pdf
Determination of neonicotinoid residues in bees by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Méthodes The method for determining neonicotinoid residues in bees was developed and validated by the Sophia Antipolis laboratory in 2008 (associated National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for pesticides in food of animal origin and commodities with high fat content, and associated NRL for the analysis of pesticide residues using single residue methods). The laboratory thus has a very sensitive and rapid method for detecting the possible involvement of these insecticides in cases of weakening and mortality of bee colonies. Martel A.C., Lair C. ER06-Meth-Abeilles.pdf
A new molecular typing technique for the opportunistic mould Aspergillus fumigatus; potential application in hatcheries and poultry farms Recherche The MLVA (Multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis) molecular typing method has proven to be very useful for the genotyping of many microorganisms, providing much information, especially in the context of epidemiological studies. In this study, we developed this technique for the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. The method was tested on a panel of isolates of avian origin collected from French and Chinese farms. The method proved to be very discriminating, fast, and easy to use. Furthermore, it also demonstrated an ability to group genotypes according to the geographical origin of isolates. Thus, this method is an important epidemiological tool in the study of the circulation of this pathogen in farms. Simon Thierry, Dongying Wang, Pascal Arné, Manjula Deville, Barbara De Bruin, Adélaïde Nieguitsila, Christine Pourcel, Karine Laroucau, René Chermette, Françoise Botterel, Jacques Guillot ER06-Rech-Aspergillus.pdf
France sets up a National Centre of Expertise on Vectors of human and animal diseases: the CNEV Actualités Chikungunya, dengue fever, bluetongue, West Nile fever, malaria, Lyme disease, Chagas disease and more. A particular feature of these diseases in France (and also in France’s overseas territories) is that they are transmitted by insects or ticks. These infectious diseases are a matter of major concern in human and veterinary health. Planetary changes (to the climate, the environment and society) also generate new health risks. Combating or providing protection against these vectors are key strategies in efforts to control these infectious diseases. Paul Martin, Didier Fontenille ER06-Actu-1.pdf
The role of European Union Reference Laboratories in food safety crisis: the experience of the EU-RL for Escherichia coli during the recent outbreak of E.coli O104:H4 infections Point de vue The EU-RL for Escherichia coli was thoroughly involved in the recent outbreak of E.coli O104:H4 infections occurred in Europe. Based on the activities carried out in the previous year, a method for the detection of the outbreak strain in food was rapidly developed and distributed to the NRL network, together with appropriate reference materials. The EU-RL also performed laboratory testing of different types of samples and organized an inter-laboratory study on the detection of VTEC in seeds used for the production of sprouts. During the entire period of the crisis, it provided continuous scientific and technical support to DG SANCO. Moreover, the EU-RL participated in the inspection mission to Egypt carried out by the Food and Veterinary Office and took part in several working groups and initiatives established by EFSA and/or ECDC. The experience of the E.coli O104:H4 outbreak confirmed that the activities of EU-RLs can provide an important contribution to the EC preparedness to face food safety crisis. A.Caprioli, S. Morabito, K. De Smet ER06-PV-Ecoli.pdf
The Plant Health Laboratory Focus The French National Laboratory for Plant Protection (LNPV) was incorporated into ANSES on 1 January 2011 and is now known as the Plant Health Laboratory. Bringing it under the control of an independent Agency was the logical outcome of national consultations on the health sector which requested that plant risk assessment and management be kept separate. The LNPV, previously a laboratory under the Ministry of Agriculture’s Directorate General for Food, had been responsible for expert assessment of organisms harmful to plant health. The Plant Health Laboratory now provides ANSES’s supervisory authorities with scientific and technical support for the monitoring and control of quarantine plant pests. It has 80 members of staff on 6 sites around France. Its administrative offices are in Angers, on the campus of Vegepolys, internationally-recognised as a centre for research, development and higher education in plant sciences. Valérie Molinéro-Demilly, Françoise Poliakoff, Philippe Reynaud, Géraldine Anthoine, Renaud Ioos, Jean-Emmanuel Gerbault, Jen-Claude Streito, Bruno Hostachy, Nathalie Franquet ER06-Focus-LSV.pdf
High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HR-MS) for screening drug residues Recherche For the regulatory control of residues of veterinary chemical drugs in food products of animal origin, mass spectrometry coupled with separative techniques such as gas chromatography (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography (LC-MS) has become the method of choice for their detection because of the molecular identification it brings and because of the confirmatory quantification of these residues in biological matrices such as milk, meat, fish, poultry, eggs or honey. Since the mid-2000s, dramatic developments in the technology for molecular mass detection have been made, revolutionising the current methodologies for detecting chemical residues in biological matrices. E. Verdon, T. Jagadeshwar-Reddy, D. Hurtaud-Pessel ER05-11R02 ER05-Rech-Spectro.pdf
A new perception of the phenotypic diversity of R. solanacearum ecotypes Recherche The phenotypic and the genetic diversity of European Ralstonia solanacearum strains, which is known to be a quarantine phytopathogen, have been described using the phylotype and sequevar classification scheme. The phylogenetic tree, based on collection strains covering the known genetic diversity of this species complex, has shown that only the Brown rot ecotype, which originated in the Andean regions, is found in Europe. In this study, we were able to solve previously reported incongruencies between the host of isolation and the pathotype of the ecotype of some host-specific strains. Pathogenicity tests confirmed unsuspected virulence for two major ecotypes: Brown rot and Moko. G. Cellier, P. Prior ER05-11R03 ER05-Rech-RSolanacearum.pdf
Improvement of the French Veterinary Benchmark Standards for the validation of antibiograms by the disc diffusion method Recherche Antibiograms performed by the disc diffusion method are validated by internal quality controls defined by the recommendations of the Antibiogram Committee of the French Society for Microbiology (CA-SFM). These controls are primarily intended for human medicine and are less suited to veterinary diagnosis. The multicentre study described here proposes two new reference strains, Streptococcus uberis CIP (Collection of Institut Pasteur) 103219 and Pasteurella multocida CIP 103286, as well as a new range of inhibition zone diameters and a larger panel of antibiotics tested for Escherichia coli CIP 76.24 and Staphylococcus aureus CIP 76.25, in order to improve the reliability of the results produced by veterinary analytical laboratories. M. Haenni, E. Jouy, E. Morignat, J-Y. Madec ER05-11R01 ER05-Rech-Antibiogramme.pdf
Mutual benefits of standardisation and reference activities: the example of food safety Point de vue The missions of reference laboratories encompass - explicitly in some countries, including France, or implicitly - active participation in the standardisation of analytical tools. Standardised methods can be used to enforce health regulations that are referred to in written laws. Moreover, standardisation can help promote innovative technological tools. J-M. Frémy, B. Lombard ER05-11P01 ER05-PV-NormRef.pdf
The medical and economic impact of routine bacterial identification by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry at the Lille University Hospital Méthodes The recent introduction of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry in medical bacteriology laboratories has profoundly changed the way microorganisms isolated from biological and environmental samples are identified. In our laboratory at the Lille University Hospital, this analytical technique rapidly supplanted traditional phenotype-based identification methods. Compared to the latter, mass spectrometry reduces both the average turn-around time (24 hours) for identifying microorganisms and the analysis cost (8 times). However, identification of all the bacteria encountered in medical bacteriology remains dependent on the coverage of bacterial mass spectra databases, which are currently incomplete. Nevertheless, the steady input of new data should help to quickly achieve greater specificity. N. Blondiaux, O. Gaillot, R. J. Courcol ER05-11M01 ER05-Meth-MaldiTof.pdf
Occurrence of anthropogenic gadolinium in water intended for human consumption Méthodes From October 2009 to June 2010, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES, France) Nancy Laboratory for Hydrology conducted a study to determine the frequency and concentration level of anthropogenic gadolinium in raw and treated waters at for 285 French sites. The study focused on a list of 45 substances belonging to 11 pharmaceutical classes, human and veterinary medicinal products, covering the class of contrast agents that includes gadolinium, in particular. The sampling and analysis campaign made it possible to define the occurrence of gadolinium in water intended for human consumption and raw water resources, but also helped establish a link with other anthropogenic tracers found in the waters, such as boron and caffeine. JS. Py, A. Garnier, G. Vo Van Regnault, JF. Munoz ER05-11M02 ER05-Meth-Gadolinium.pdf
Méthodes ER05-Meth-FievreQ.pdf
Mini-review - Optical maps: methodology and applications in microbiology Méthodes Optical maps provide a graphical representation of the location of restriction sites in the whole genome of organisms under study. They can be obtained semi-automatically using a method developed by the company OpGen. Optical maps offer many advantages when undertaking and completing the sequencing of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. In epidemiology, optical mapping is one of the few tools available for studying the whole genome. In addition, clones of interest can be characterised in great detail, and epidemic clones can be differentiated from other clonal lines. Finally, in comparative genomics studies, optical maps can be used to quickly and easily compare the genomes of several bacteria and identify gene insertions/deletions or even as yet unidentified rearrangements. M. Neto, G. Skorski, D. Thevenot, E. Loukiadis ER05-11M04 ER05-Meth-CarteOptique.pdf
The European Union Reference Laboratory for Campylobacter is hosted by the National Veterinary Institute, SVA, Uppsala Focus The National Veterinary Institute, SVA, Uppsala, has been the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for Campylobacter since 2006. SVA is also one of the two National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for Campylobacter in Sweden and is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Major tasks for EURL- Campylobacter are to provide scientific and technical assistance to the NRLs and the Commission (DG Sanco), to harmonize methods for detection and identification of Campylobacter and to assess the performance of the NRLs in analysing Campylobacter. E. Olsson Engvall, Elina Lahti, G. Lindgren, A. Nyman, B. Harbom, N. Pudas , L. Svensson, I. Hansson ER05-11F01 ER05-Focus-EURLCampylo.pdf
Editorial ER05-Edito-1.pdf
Inter-laboratory proficiency tests, workshops and training sessions 2011 Agenda Inter-laboratory proficiency tests, Anses NRL and EURL, 2010; workshops 2011; Training sessions 2011 ER05-11A01 ER05-Agenda-1.pdf
Appointment of the ANSES Sophia-Antipolis laboratory as the EU Reference Laboratory for bee health - Plant Health Laboratory Actualités Appointment of the ANSES Sophia-Antipolis laboratory as the EU Reference Laboratory for bee health - The National Laboratory for the Protection of Plants (LNPV) joined ANSES on 1 January 2011 and became the Plant Health Laboratory ER05-Actu-1.pdf
Identification of early Trichinella spiralis antigens and their application in developing an ELISA for the diagnosis of trichinellosis in pigs Recherche Trichinellosis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by eating raw or undercooked meat from animals contaminated with larvae of the nematode’s genus Trichinella. Although direct detection of the parasite is currently the only recommended method for official inspections of carcasses at slaughterhouses, the introduction of serological methods in the new regulation regarding parasitic zoonoses in Europe is encouraging their development. A. Zocevic, S.A. Lacour, B. Giovani, P. Mace, I. Vallee, P. Boireau ER04-10R01 ER04-Rech-Trichi.pdf
Detection of main honey bee pathogens by multiplex PCR Recherche The widespread decline of the global bee population in recent years, a result of unexplained bee colony collapses and declines, highlights the potential involvement of a variety of fungal, bacterial and viral infections. These infections, which are not systematically diagnosed, lead to uncertainty about the causes of the phenomenon. The aim of the project was to provide tools for the rapid detection of the major honey bee pathogens that are potentially involved. This was achieved by the development of multiplex PCR for the detection of 14 pathogens (seven viruses, four bacteria, three fungi), as well as the development of quantification tools. J. Carletto, A. Gauthier, J. Regnault, P. Blanchard, F. Schurr, M. Ribière-Chabert ER04-10R02 ER04-Rech-Abeilles.pdf
Microbial biodiversity and reference work, the challenge of genomics Point de vue It has become commonplace to say that microbial diversity, defined as the genetic, phenotypic and functional diversity of prokaryotes, viruses and single-cell eukaryotes, is vast. But those who study the phenomenon up-close might prefer to call it "mind-boggling". S. Brisse ER04-10P01 ER04-PV-Genomique.pdf
Validation of commercial real-time RT-PCR kits to detect the Influenza A virus in pigs and differentiation of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus in this species Méthodes Since pigs are highly susceptible to the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus, it is feared that this infectious agent could adapt to the species. Pigs would then provide a reservoir and a host species in which the virus could undergo reassortment with other Influenza A viruses. As part of reinforced surveillance of influenza viruses in pigs, the NRL proposed that new tools be developed (i) to detect Influenza A viruses in pigs and (ii) to differentiate the pandemic virus in this species. Five commercial real-time RT-PCR kits have been validated and recommended to veterinary analysis laboratories. F. Pol, S. Gorin, S. Quéguiner, C. Deblanc, G. Simon ER04-10M01 ER04-Meth-H1N1Porc.pdf
The European Union Reference Laboratory for Verocytotoxin (VT)-producingEscherichia coli  Focus The Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, has been the European Union Reference Laboratory for Escherichia coli, including Verotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC), since 2006. It is also the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Italy and has UNI EN/ISO 17025 certification. The main objective of its mandate is to ensure that the methods used by the NRLs of EU Member States for the identification and typing of E.coli strains such as VTEC are standardised, as well as the methods for detecting these pathogens in food and animal samples. This is accomplished by developing methods, distributing reference materials, organizing proficiency tests, and hosting scientists from NRLs for training courses. The European Union Reference Laboratory for VTEC works with other EU structures (EFSA, ECDC) to set up monitoring and surveillance programmes for VTEC. A.Caprioli, S. Morabito, G.Scavia, R. Tozzoli, C. Graziani, C. Ferreri, F. Minelli, M.L. Marziano, S. Babsa ER04-10F01 ER04-Focus-VTECH.pdf
Numéro 4: Editorial Editorial ER04-Edito-1.pdf
Agenda No. 4 Agenda Agenda No. 4 ER04-Agenda-1.pdf
In France, creation of the National Centre for Vector Research / ANSES named as the National Reference Laboratory for the analysis of pesticide residues using "single-residue" methods / Specificity of commercial kits for Rift Valley fever serology Actualités In France, creation of the National Centre for Vector Research / ANSES named as the National Reference Laboratory for the analysis of pesticide residues using "single-residue" methods / Specificity of commercial kits for Rift Valley fever serology ER04-Actu-1.pdf
The accuracy profile: a tool for choosing an analytical method and evaluating its validity Recherche “Validation” and “determination of performance criteria” are often confused. A commission from the French Society of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (SFSTP) has developed a new tool for comparing “domain of validation” and “domain of validity”. This tool, called the accuracy profile, is based on the use of the total error derived from performance criteria such as trueness and precision. This is a decision tool as well as a diagnostic tool, as shown below in an example of application. Michel Laurentie, Jean-Michel Delmas ER03-10R01 ER03-Rech-ProfilExa.pdf
Collections of biological material: a scientific resource for research and reference activities Point de vue Biological repositories make it possible to trace the history of the sciences and of man. Their exploitation in scientific study is indispensible for expanding our knowledge of many biological phenomena. Isabelle Iteman ER03-10P01 ER03-PV-Collections.pdf
Inter-laboratory test on drug residues in water intended for human consumption Méthodes In June 2009, the Laboratory for study and research on hydrology (AFSSA, Nancy) conducted an exploratory inter-laboratory proficiency test (ILPT) in collaboration with the AQUAREF network to identify laboratory practices and estimate inter-laboratory uncertainty for the compounds under study. There were a total of 12 compounds belonging to six families (hormones, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta blockers, antipsychotics and others) including one compound used in veterinary medicine. It was the first ILPT conducted in France on water intended for human consumption. Thirty-one laboratories participated, 4 of which were located abroad. Jean-Sébastien Py, Christophe Rosin, Nicole Rimlinger, Jean-François Munoz ER03-10M02 ER03-Meth-resEaux.pdf
Recent developments in the strategy for monitoring lipophilic marine biotoxins in shellfish: implementation of a chemical analysis method in addition to the current mouse bioassay Méthodes Marine biotoxins can bio-accumulate in shellfish and cause food poisoning when contaminated shellfish are consumed. The increase in the number of toxic events, the emergence of new toxins and the development of a multi-toxin detection method using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has led to changes in the strategy for monitoring lipophilic toxins in Europe. The new strategy calls for replacing the current reference method, the mouse bioassay method, with a physico-chemical analytical method. By decision of the competent authorities, the new reference method has been incorporated in the French monitoring programme since 1 January 2010. This monitoring programme relies on two national laboratories (the AFSSA National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for marine biotoxins and the Phycotoxins laboratory at IFREMER), which each use a multi-toxin detection method that has been validated at the intra-laboratory level and submitted to an inter-comparative test organised by the NRL. These methods can detect, identify and quantify 13 regulated lipophilic toxins and two toxins from emerging families, and thereby meet the requirements stipulated by the European Union regulations. The mouse bioassay is still used as an auxiliary method for detecting new analogues or the emergence of new groups of toxins. Sophie Krys, Virginie Hossen, Sophie Trotereau, Ronel Biré ER03-10M01 ER03-Meth-Biotox.pdf
European Union Reference Laboratory for Marine Biotoxins (EU-RL-MB) Focus The Marine Biotoxins laboratory in Vigo, which falls under the Spanish Ministry of Health, has been the European Union Reference Laboratory for marine biotoxins (EU-RL-MB) since 1993 and is now one of the Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency (AESAN) laboratories. As part of its mission to develop EU-RL functions, the EU-RL-MB leads harmonisation efforts for analytical methodology in this scientific field, but also supports various initiatives to introduce new analytical methods, suited to the current state-of-the-art, which are urgently needed. The EU-RL-MB staff forms a multidisciplinary group, including scientists with training in biology, immunochemistry and analytical chemistry, with advice from AESAN experts and Academics. Maria L. Rodriguez-Velasco ER03-10F01 ER03-Focus-BM.pdf
Editorial No. 3 Editorial ER03-Edito-1.pdf
Agenda No. 3 Agenda ER03-Agenda-1.pdf
CRLs become EU-RLs - European Science Workshop in Paris: “New Trends in Food Analysis - From LC-MS Technologies to UPLC” - Evaluation of European Union Reference Laboratories in the field of animal health and live animals - In France, publication in the Official Journal of the French Ministerial order appointing national reference laboratories in the areas of veterinary public health and plant health Actualités CRLs become EU-RLs - European Science Workshop in Paris: “New Trends in Food Analysis - From LC-MS Technologies to UPLC” - Evaluation of European Union Reference Laboratories in the field of animal health and live animals - In France, publication in the Official Journal of the French Ministerial order appointing national reference laboratories in the areas of veterinary public health and plant health ER03-Actu-1.pdf
The end of the mouse bioassay? - Med-Vet-Net Phase II, founding of the Association - A model for cooperation in Europe - Modification of conditions for participation in CRL workshops Actualités The end of the mouse bioassay? - Med-Vet-Net Phase II, founding of the Association - A model for cooperation in Europe - Modification of conditions for participation in CRL workshops CR2-Actu-1.pdf
Agenda No. 2 Agenda CR2-Agenda-1.pdf
Editorial No. 2: A Journal which is becoming a major reference Editorial CR2-Edito-1.pdf
A community reference laboratory for mollusc diseases located at the heart of the Marennes-Oléron Bay Focus IFREMER's Genetics and Pathology Laboratory (LGP) in La Tremblade has been appointed as the Community Reference Laboratory for mollusc diseases since 1995. It is also the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for France and has been designated as the OIE Reference Laboratory for bonamiosis and marteiliosis. The main objective of these different mandates is to ensure that the diagnosis of mollusc diseases is standardised. The LGP also conducts research on marine bivalve pathology and genetics. Given its various activities, the LGP can respond quickly in the event of an animal epidemic and can adapt disease surveillance strategies according to the latest research results and developments. Thanks to its facilities, solely dedicated to reference and surveillance activities, the LGP has been accredited for histopathological analyses. Isabelle Arzul CR2-09F01 CR2-Focus-IfremerLGP.pdf
Inter-laboratory proficiency tests - 2008 - first issue follow-up Méthodes CR2-Meth-EILA2008suite.pdf
Method for isolating Mycoplasma spp. in ruminants - Lessons gleaned from the results of the 2009 inter-laboratory proficiency tests carried out within the VIGIMYC network Méthodes Nearly 40 species of mycoplasmas have been described in ruminants, several are pathogens and some cause mycoplasmoses that are subject to national and/or international regulations. At the request of practicing veterinarians, French departmental laboratories routinely screen for Mycoplasmas in clinical samples taken for diagnosis when a case of mycoplasmosis is suspected. When a sample tests positive for Mycoplasma, AFSSA's laboratory for study and research on bovine diseases and meat hygiene in Lyon identifies the mycoplasma(s) isolated in culture (Poumarat et al., 2009; Chazel et al., 2008) as part of the epidemiological surveillance network for ruminants mycoplasmosis (VIGIMYC). In an effort to standardise the analysis techniques used by laboratories in the network, VIGIMYC recently carried out an inter-laboratory proficiency test (ILPT) on isolating mycoplasmas in which 32 of the network's laboratories participated. The objective of this article is to describe the errors observed and suggest some corrective measures which might be taken Myriam Chazel, Florence Tardy, François Poumarat CR2-09M02 CR2-Meth-MycoRuminants.pdf
Determining the serotype of isolated Salmonella strains in the veterinary sector using the rapid slide agglutination test - Recommendations for regulated serotypes in the poultry sector Méthodes European regulations stipulate mandatory control of certain Salmonella serotypes in chicken flocks (Gallus gallus). To improve the reliability of laboratory results, a technical guide providing a standardised protocol for serotyping Salmonella is required. This article describes the serotyping method used by AFSSA's Laboratory for study and research on food quality and processes, and gives a list of the sera needed to unambiguously identify regulated serotypes in the poultry sector. Corinne Danan, Sylvine Fremy, Frédérique Moury, Marylène Bohnert, Anne Brisabois CR2-09M01 CR2-Meth-SeroSalmo.pdf
Reference and research: a virtuous circle Point de vue Although everyone accepts that a reference laboratory cannot function correctly without substantial scientific knowledge, the potential contribution of reference activities to research is not always as widely recognised. Pierre Kerkhofs CR2-09P01 CR2-PV-CercleVertueux.pdf
Detection and characterisation of bovine prion diseases Recherche The Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic was first identified in the United Kingdom in 1986. Since 2001 active surveillance of adult cattle in Europe has been mandatory in order to determine more precisely the scale of the epidemic and avoid any consumption of tissues from BSE-infected animals. As a result AFSSA has had to face new challenges and in particular the development and/or assessment of procedures that facilitate the identification of preclinical BSE cases and allow for the discrimination of the various Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSEs) forms in cattle (BSE, L-BSE, H-BSE). Particular focus was placed on the assessment of a new molecular tool: the TeSeE®-Wb, which achieved noteworthy results, mainly due to the Sha31 monoclonal antibody, and was thus included as one of the methods used in France for identifying and differentiating between the different bovine TSEs. Jean-Noël Arsac CR2-09R01 CR2-Rech-Prions.pdf
Equine diseases CRL designation / Bovine tuberculosis CRL designation / Crustacean disease CRL designation / Rabies CRL designation / Designation of approved laboratories for the detection and quantification of phytosanitary product residues in plants and plant products Actualités Equine diseases CRL designation - Afssa - Maisons-Alfort and Dozulé laboratories (France) / Bovine tuberculosis CRL designation - VISAVET, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) / Crustacean disease CRL designation - CEFAS, Weymouth Laboratory (United Kingdom) / Rabies CRL designation - Afssa - Nancy laboratory (France) / Designation of approved laboratories for the detection and quantification of phytosanitary product residues in plants and plant products CR1-Actu-1.pdf
Agenda No. 1 Agenda CR1-Agenda-1.pdf
Editorial - Opening issue of the Journal of Reference Editorial CR1-Edito-1.pdf
Avian Influenza National Reference Laboratory (NRL) Focus Afssa's Laboratory for studies and research on poultry, pig and fish farming in Ploufragan has been France's NRL for avian influenza (AI) and Newcastle's disease (ND) since 1992, the year the first European directives on the monitoring of these diseases were issued. This national reference activity, along with an OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) reference activity in infectious bursal disease and avian metapneumoviroses, is currently carried out, in conjunction with research into major and emergent avian and rabbit viroses, on the site dedicated to the Avian and Rabbit Virology, Immunology and Parasitology unit (1,100 m sq of Level 2 laboratories and 80 m2 of Level 3 laboratories). On this same site (Ploufragan), the NRL also has access to the Laboratory for studies and research on poultry, pig and fish farming's experimental facilities for its chicken pathogenicity tests. Véronique Jestin CR1-09F01 CR1-Focus-IA.pdf
2008 ILPT results Méthodes CR1-09M02 CR1-Meth-EILA2008.pdf
Determination of heavy metal content of foodstuffs of animal origin : Closed-system mineralisation by microwave digestion and measurement using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) Méthodes This article describes the method for determining the arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury content of foodstuffs of animal origin using closed-system mineralisation by microwave digestion and measurement with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. This technique is employed by the Heavy Metals National Reference Laboratory (group B3c as per annex I of Council Directive 96/23/EC of 29 April 1996 on measures to monitor certain substances and residues thereof in live animals and animal products) of AFSSA's Laboratory for study and research into the quality of foods and food processes (Maisons-Alfort). Thierry Guérin, Laurent Noël CR1-09M01 CR1-Meth-Metaux.pdf
Editorial No. 1: NRLs - NCRs: Why work together? Point de vue Many pathogens have both a National Reference Laboratory (NRL) and a National Centre of Reference (NCR). Such is the case each time a disease caused by a transmissible agent - a bacteria, virus or parasite - is found to be zoonotic and presents a problem or major threat to human public health. In the NCR designation decision (Order dated November 29, 2004, establishing the designation process and missions of the National Centres of Reference in transmissible disease control), it is requested that the NCRs collaborate with their NRL counterparts whenever necessary. It is likely that in the NRL designation decision, the same request will be made. Collaboration between the two types of laboratories is therefore not simply a regulatory requirement, it is also a veritable public health obligation. What is the logic behind it? Paul Martin CR1-09P01 CR1-PV-Collaboration.pdf
Avian chlamydiosis : Working towards the identification of new strains Recherche The genus Chlamydophila, along with the genus Chlamydia, make up the family Chlamydiaceae which currently is comprised of six species: Chlamydophila (C.) abortus, C. caviae, C. felis, C. pecorum, C. pneumoniae and C. psittaci (Everett et al., 1999). Avian chlamydiosis (also known as ornithosis-psittacosis) is a zoonosis caused by C. psittaci. The serovars that comprise this species are host-specific: the A serovar is most often found in psittacines, the B serovar in pigeons, the C in ducks and geese, the D in turkeys, the E in pigeons and ratites and the F in psittacines. This classification is based on the use of a panel of monoclonal antibodies. The new molecular biology tools provide heightened precision and detail for this classification. Thus the alternative genotyping tools Micro-Array (Sachse et al. 2008a and 2008b) and MLVA (Laroucau et al., 2008a), very recently described, reveal a wider diversity within this species. Karine Laroucau CR1-09R01 CR1-Rech-Chlamydiose.pdf
A reference-related thesis : The role of mass spectrometry in investigation into staphylococcal food poisoning Recherche The aim of the ProteomiqES project is to ascertain the origin of toxin-based staphylococcal outbreaks. To do this, we have developed a new analytical approach using molecular tools and physicochemical protein separation tools in addition to the microbiological and immunochemical methods traditionally used. The results provide an interesting initial application in cases of collective toxin-based food poisoning. Jacques-Antoine Hennekinne CR1-09R02 CR1-Rech-Spectrometrie.pdf
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